Collaboration Methodology

Minds for Mines

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Mandela Mining Precinct is looking for innovative collaboration methodologies that can be used for complex collaboration between a variety of stakeholder groups.

Application Deadline
January 26th, 2022
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The Mandela Mining Precinct is a public-private collaboration between the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the Minerals Council of South Africa. It is an initiative aimed at revitalising mining research, development and innovation in South Africa to ensure the sustainability of the industry.


Mandela Mining Precinct is looking for a proven methodology that can be implemented for collaborations between different stakeholders and can consider/ allow for the following:

  • Tough/complex collaboration
  • Engagement of seemingly disparate service/ solution provider/ stakeholders
  • Option for the individual/group’s IP to remain hidden 
  • Features that enable different parties to work towards a common goal/ technology/ solution etc. 
  • Adaptable integration tools to deal with a variety of different complex technologies which may differ in scope & design

What's in it for you?

A successful collaboration could mean, for individuals, becoming part of the wider Mandela Mining Precinct, while for organisations, forming a partnership/joint venture to co-develop and co-launch the idea to market.

This is a global challenge and Mandela Mining Precinct are willing to collaborate with both individuals/freelancers and other industry participants/universities etc. and solutions can be at any stage of development.