Natural Preservatives

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PepsiCo are interested in natural novel ingredients as preservatives in beverage matrices.

Application Deadline
December 16th, 2024
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The Science and Technology team at PepsiCo Global Beverages has a Natural Preservative program that investigates the use of novel ingredients as preservatives in beverage matrices. The team has screened and collaborated with External Innovation on multiple natural preservatives. However, the past investigated preservatives have evolved due to the growing industry demand and technological advancement. We would like to continue to scout for new ingredients that were not available in the past for beverage systems. A directional cost target in the range of $0.02 to 0.05 cents per serving will be acceptable.


PepsiCo are interested in natural novel ingredients as preservatives in beverage matrices.

1) Physical-chemical Property Criteria

  • Water soluble; minimum 10X of level of usage
  • Stable to heat (up to 110ºF for 8 weeks or 90ºF for 12 weeks), light, UV, oxygen, and high acid (pH 2.8 – 3.5) for up to 6 months
  • Analytical method to test for antimicrobial active compounds.

2) General criteria

  • GRAS or self-GRAS or FEMA approved or high potential to get approved, with full safety documentation.
  • Neutral in taste and color
  • If it is a mixture (e.g., extract), we need to know the active compounds.
  • Safe to consume.
  • Meets Cost guardrails.
  • Label friendly.

3) Prevent yeasts, molds, and bacteria. Examples from the list below

  • Lactic acid bacteria, Acidic acid bacteria
  • Yeasts: Z. bailli, Brettanomyces, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Molds: Aspergillus Niger, Trichoderma virens
  • Note: Not necessarily to prevent all the microorganisms but the more the better. Ideally challenge studies to demonstrate the antimicrobial efficacy.

4) Miscellaneous information

  • Kosher and non-GMO status must have. Halal preferred.
  • Technical information such as origin of the ingredient and process of making the ingredient.
  • Name on the label.
  • Global regulatory map
  • IP, Freedom to operate.
  • Supply chain.

Well known approaches are not of interest. Solutions submitted should be novel.

What's in it for you?

This is a global challenge and PepsiCo are willing to collaborate with organisations, universities, start-ups and well-established companies.

PepsiCo will be looking for further conversation with successful applications.