Field of Expertise



We work is blurring the lines between brewing and fermenting. I am working with craft beer brewers, with food scientists and with fellow chefs to take ingredients and techniques across the disciplines to create the most flavor forward and dynamic food ferments possible. Understanding the flavor potential that yeast/bacteria and fermentation have from their application in the brewing process allows us to layer another dimension into what’s possible in Food fermentation. No longer are we limited by the base ingredients for the output of taste, flavor, balance, even textures. Adding more garlic or salt or spices is no longer the only option for manipulating the flavor profile of our products. We find we can use the same exact base recipes, alter fermentation with different strains and controls and unlock completely unique flavors, merely with the use of these microbes. Kimchi is a prime example. We taste a lot of traditional and compare them to modern gluten free and/or vegan options. The umami of a fish sauce or a soy sauce add such depth, but also are adding gluten and/or animal product which many consumers are not wanting. However, when we are tasting many gf/vegan iterations they fall short of representing the “real thing”, tasting more like sauerkraut with chile and garlic. We are producing Kimchi that is gf/vegan and with the use of specific microorganisms that express flavors akin to oyster brine or black garlic we can amplify the characteristics of umami and new the needs of both traditional depth and modern dietary goals. Furthermore our approach may have an impact on the regulation of food fermentation. The current landscape is predicated on the fear of “bad bacteria” taken hold. This is due to the sodium, time, temperature controls being arcane. We believe that our techniques are placing the “good bacteria” into the environment immediately exponentially increases the odds that they will thrive and outcompete any potential hazardous organisms. These are the merits of the philosophy, approach and techniques I have been developing for the last five years. Fermentation = Flavor!